Monday, January 18, 2010

Difference between Isometric, Oblique and Orthographic Drawing.

An isometric drawing is a three dimensional drawing in which the horizontal edges of a object are drawn usually at a 30 degree angle and all verticals projected perpendicularly from a horizontal base,all lines being drawn to scale.

An orthographic drawing is a two-dimensional graphic representation of an object in which the projecting lines are at right angles to the plane of the projection.

An oblique drawing is a drawing of the face of a 3-dimensional object,usually parallel to the picture planes,is represented in accurate or exact proportion and all other faces are shown at any other convenient angle other than 90 degrees.

drawings from top to bottom:isometric,orthographic and oblique

Source of and

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Picture of my sketch

picture of my sketch

The world is dark because it is night time and the men do not have the technology to make a fire and they still live in caves because there is no design to make buildings.The world is dull because there is no art.The people stay in the dark,hiding in the cave,waiting for sunrise.

ADMT Lesson 1: Personal Reflection

1.It is a class to teach us how to create art,design objects,communicate using media and use applied science(technology)

2.An admt student should be open to ideas and should use his/her imagination.

3.I hope to learn how to design a practical object yet make it attractive as well.

4.I can achieve it by working hard and giving my best in all that I do.

Definition of theme-environment

1.The surroundings or condition which a in which an organism lives.
2.The natural world as a whole or in a particular geographical area,especially as affected by human activity.

3.The physical and biological factors along with chemical interactions that affect an organism.

source: wikipedia

4.The aggregate of surrounding things.
5.The air,water,minerals,organisms and all other external factors that affect the a given organism at any given time
6.An indoor or outdoor setting that is characterized by the presence of environmental art that is itself designed to be site-specific.

An environment is the surroundings of an object or organism that affects its growth,its way of thinking and behaviour.